After years of working with busy families, we understand the juggling act you will face when buying or selling a home during the school year—balancing school schedules, extracurricular activities, cooking, cleaning, showings, open houses, and the list goes on.

Did reading that list make you start to sweat? Fear not, we have the tools and advice to help make the process as smooth and enjoyable as possible for you and your little ones!

Keep reading for our top tips to navigate the real estate market like a pro during the school year.

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

Before diving headfirst into the market, take time to sit down and assess your needs, priorities, and reasons for moving. Once you have outlined your goals, work with your real estate agent to create a strategic plan tailored to your timeline and budget. If you have very young children, get a head start on making childcare arrangements to accommodate appointments that require your full attention or an empty house. If you are planning to review offers on a specific date, make sure you have a babysitter during that time, or if you are going to have open houses make plans to get out of the house for those days. By laying a solid foundation from the get-go, building up from there will be a breeze and you will be ready to handle any situation!

Planning a move with your family soon? Here are some buying and selling resources to help you on your way:

2. Be Strategic with Your Time

The struggle of balancing school schedules with house hunting is real, but it can be done. Consider viewing homes during school hours, or during the evenings when your little ones are busy with extracurricular activities. Have an hour to kill during baseball practice or dance class, why not squeeze in a couple of showings? Just make sure not to skip any real games or recitals! Alternatively, enlist the help of trusted friends or family members to watch the kids while you explore potential homes. By maximizing your time and resources, you will streamline the house-hunting process and minimize stress along the way.

3. Stick to Routines

Regular routines are important for kids and disrupting them can cause added stress to an already confusing time. While there is likely to be some tweaking required, try to keep their basic routines intact, especially in the morning to set them up for success at school and in the evening for a good night’s rest.

4. Take Advantage of the Internet

Technology is your greatest ally in the world of real estate. Leverage online platforms and virtual tours to explore homes from the comfort of your couch narrowing down your list for in-person viewings, saving valuable time and energy. Take that a step further by utilizing scheduling apps to stay organized and keep everyone in the loop and subscribe to your realtor’s email and text notifications for new listings and showings so you do not miss a beat. 

Have you downloaded any of our helpful e-books yet? Learn more here:

5. Communication is Key

Be upfront with your real estate agent about your priorities, non-negotiables, and concerns, allowing them to tailor their approach to meet your needs. Likewise, do not hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification on any aspect of the process that may seem unclear. The same goes as well within the family unit. The best way to manage the stresses of buying or selling a home is to be open with each other about how the process is going, and where things might need to change. If you find yourself constantly tired from late nights accommodating buyer showings, simply cutting off the showing times a little earlier could make a huge difference. Or perhaps your kids are struggling to get their homework done because of all the disruption, in which case, you might consider letting them have homework time at a classmate’s house or the library. By fostering open and honest communication you will build trust and confidence in your relationships and have a more enjoyable experience.

Wondering what it’s like to work with the Lisa Hartsink Team? Read more about the team right here.

6. Prioritize You and Your Family

Amidst the hustle and bustle of buying or selling a home during the school year, do not forget to prioritize self-care and family time. Take breaks when needed, soak up the quiet moments, and lean on your support network when you are struggling. Kids can also feel a little left behind when all your focus is on the business at hand, so make sure to carve out time for the family to have fun and connect. 

7. Time Your Closing

Initially, most families think moving during the summer is easier for their kids as they start a new year in a new school, and everything is fresh! However, unless the move is timed between Elementary and High School, this may not be the case. Kids returning to school in September are often excited to see friends they missed over the summer, and sometimes teachers forget when a student is new to the school versus new to the classroom. Some families have found that moving mid-year was easier for their kids, as they tend to get a little extra help and attention from teachers, and the other kids are more excited to welcome a new friend to the classroom! If you feel your child could use a little extra support during the transition, then a mid-year move might be an option to consider.

8. Involve the Whole Family

Kids want to be involved in everything, and moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure for them. You can nourish that excitement by encouraging them to draw pictures or make collages of how they want to decorate their new room, explore the neighbourhoods you are looking at, and above all else, really listen and consider their thoughts. If they are upset about the move, let them express what they will miss most about your current home, or what they are worried about in the new one. All members of the family have valuable insights to share!

The journey of buying or selling a home during the school year may seem daunting at first glance, but armed with the right tools, mindset, and support system, you can navigate the market with confidence and ease. So, take a deep breath, trust in the process, and remember that your family’s dream home may be just around the corner!

Do you still have questions about buying and selling during the school year? You call us directly at 905-873-9944 or email, we’re always happy to help!