Zofia and Kristina

Zofia, our Manager of Operations, brings over 15 years of administrative experience with an educational background in cabinet making, human resource management and project management.

Kristina is our Marketing Assistant with 15+ years of customer service experience, with an eclectic educational background in advertising, graphic design, confectionery arts, and floral design.

About Zofia

Whether buying or selling, Zofia works in the background to help make our clients’ Real Estate experience as seamless as possible. Zofia is able to relate to our client’s situations with ease and appreciates the finer details and workmanship in any home.

Zofia’s strong technical skills, knack for attention to detail, and drive for delivering an exceptional service experience ensures our clients needs are met right from beginning to end.

Zofia’s warm personality and compassionate approach will have you loving her the minute you meet her!

About Kristina

Whether buying or selling, Kristina helps our clients through their journey ensuring everyone is taken care of. From the creation of print and digital marketing pieces, to ensuring our listings always look their best, Kristina is always attentive to the unique needs of each client.

Kristina’s creative eye not only helps her to produce beautiful marketing for your home, but also allows her to problem solve on the fly. Strong technological skills, attention to detail, and a desire to deliver exceptional service promises your experience with our team will be a memorable one.

Kristina’s down-to-earth personality and warm smile will have you at ease the moment you meet her!

Client Experiences

Read what past buyers, sellers, and downsizers have to say about working with the Lisa Hartsink Team.